Thursday, January 22, 2009

Now it cuts like a knife but it feels so right

Another offensive t-shirt idea coming to you from Native Minnow*:

*Two people who deserve partial credit whether they want it or not: One, whoever designed the t-shirt that reads 'Does this condom make me look fat?', and two, Dan Murphy for coining the term 'rapey'.


Heff said...

Nothing is as offensive as a Bryan Adams song title.

Amber said...

i thought the shirt was heading more for a O.J. Simpson reference

~Kris said...

I hate all of your shirts.
Especially the Cookie one.

Mr. DNA said...

Props to Dan for the term "rapey".

2 Dollar Productions said...

This is the kind of shirt that you can wear with some friends, but the kind that might get you detained if seen in public. The blood adds an extra touch of menace.

Native Minnow said...

Heff, I agree, but I literally could not think of a title for this post. That rarely happens, but when it does, I resort to cheesy lyrics. Sorry.

Amber, that wouldn't be a bad idea either.

Epitome, I know you do.

Mr DNA, I liked it. A lot.

$2, I'd never wear a shirt like this anywhere. Joking about it and doing it are two completely different things.

Anonymous said...

My love is like a cuts both ways.

Manuel said...

sweet jebus....

Bill From Gainesville said...

It reminds me of a Billy Joel song myself ... "She'll laugh while your bleeding..." and that is what this made me think of because I laughed while there was a knife and some bleeding ... Minnow you are the OTHER less popular Piano Man

Jenny said...

what Manuel said.