Monday, February 13, 2006

Am I really such a wimp?

It's bad enough that I wonder about my emotional stability at times, but apparently I'm not the only one. My roommate's 15 year old son took it upon himself to break my balls yesterday(to use a Sopranos term - hey, the new season starts in a month).

Him: "What's the worst pain you've ever felt?"
Me: "The worst pain I've ever felt? Hmmmm, let me think."
Him: "And I'm not talking about emotional pain. I don't want you to break down or anything."

For the record, he's only seen me cry twice. Once when I got dumped, and once when I found out my ex-mother-in-law was going to die.

I eventually decided it would probably be the two months leading up to my back surgery - when I could hardly walk.


PsychDoctor said... really must be in touch with your inner child. :)

No...You're not a wimp, although that boy probably thinks you are. And the reasons you gave for crying are better than the last time I cried when I was so pissed off with the kids on my first Father's Day that I had a little breakdown on the phone with Mom. :)

Native Minnow said...

That may be, but at least that was several years ago for you.

Just so you know, I HATE Father's Day.

PsychDoctor said...

I might have cried more recently, but it isn't standing out in my mind...Probably because I am so annoyed at kids almost every day for breaking rules, trashing the house, etc. Just tonight I came home and A********** went bolting from the couch as fast as she could. Lo and behold on the couch was the 16 year old boy she is in love with, and whom I would not let her do things with for the past two weeks. A*****the little sister ratted her out and said she kissed him. I told the kid that she was only 14, and that we have a rule in our house that our girls can't date until they turn 16. Then I made him and K********** boyfriend leave. I went outside and they were all standing on the driveway and I told them they needed to leave again and told them we have a rule in our house that friends are not allowed over unless I am home. What irritates me about the kids nowadays is that they don't even apologize for their actions. We had some boys jump out a basement window, ripping the screen, when we came home one night in Santaquin. When we confronted the kids, they didn't even act like it was a big deal they had trashed the screen. Disrespectful little punks!!! :)

PsychDoctor said...
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PsychDoctor said...
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PsychDoctor said...

Do you hate Father's Day because of all the stupid homemade ashtray gifts?

deputymomof6 said...

I don't like Father's Day, either...I like Mother's Day. :) You are not a wimp, it's OK to cry for traumatic things. You have to admit, though, what he said was kinda funny.