Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Got a big surprise planned, in Chicago, that's my kind of town

I went out to watch one of the NBA games with a friend of mine. He was thumbing through a magazine and came upon an ad for one of the local strip clubs that was having a night with midget strippers. About that same time, our waitress came up to see if we needed anything.

Him: "What are your thoughts on midget strippers?"
Her: "I don't really think about midget strippers."
Him: "Really? Because I just saw this ad and was wondering if you'd be down."
Her: "I think I'd be down if they were stripping in creamed corn."
Him: "I don't think they like that. I think it gets places where it's not supposed to be."
Her: "Well, so does the pole."
Him: "Not if you're using it right."

I didn't add anything to the conversation. I think I was laughing too hard.

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