Friday, November 10, 2006

This one is dedicated to my one true love, the ladies

The other night I went out with my friends and one of them asked for a cup full of cherries to go along with his drink. Another friend of mine took the opportunity to demonstrate his ability to tie a cherry stem in a knot with his tongue.

Our waitress (to the friend who requested the cherries): You just tied those in a knot with your hands didn't you.
Him: No.
Her: You did it with your tongue?
Him (nodding toward my other friend): I didn't, he did.
Her (to my other friend): You can do that? Who knew?
Other friend: The ladies knew.

The guy never misses a beat.


Inklings said...

Your 21 year old sister and all her guy friends do the same thing unwrapping Starbursts and say that makes them better kissers. :0)

Anonymous said...

wait. who is your friend? I knew nothing about this....