Thursday, February 01, 2007

Don't wanna wake up with noone beside me, don't wanna take up with nobody new

Earlier this week I had breakfast with my ex-girlfriend. She was in town for the weekend and called to see if I wanted to see her before she flew out. To be honest, I was a little surprised that she called, but I've said before that we wanted to stay friends, so it made me feel good that she did. I was beginning to have my doubts about whether that was still going to be the case.

The timing was a little weird because I have been thinking about her lately. That's not to say that I'm sitting around moping, but occasionally I think about what might have been if she hadn't moved 2000 miles away.

She looked good, as always. We had a lot of catching up to do, but in some ways it was almost like no time at all had passed, even though I haven't seen her in nearly a year. It's funny how you forget about the little things though. Like the fact that she always eats weird stuff for breakfast (seriously, a chicken panini?).

She's basically the reason that I have so many rules for who I'll consider getting into a relationship with (well, that and the fact that I don't want to end up in a relationship like I had with my ex-wife again). There are women out there who fit my criteria, it's just a matter of finding them, getting them interested and then keeping them nearby.


Anonymous said...

It is weird how when you see someone again, you go right back to where you left off as though the time in between doesn't exist. I do that with my friends, yet underneath you know that nothing is really the same.
How about a diet coke and a refried bean tortilla for breakfast? I think that's starting to be the norm. ;)

Delirious said...

Did you ever hear the old saying Grandpa always says? The older you get, the more particular and less desirable you get. The idea being....get too picky, and you may end up alone. Okay....enough depressing family quotes. My youngest won't eat cereal. He will eat frozen burritos, grilled cheese sandwiches,...stuff like that...but NO cereal. Weird huh?

Anonymous said...

So THAT'S why people in Utah want other people to be married off young...because if history repeats itself, they are afraid their children will be so undesirable that they will never get grand babies. It totally makes sense to me now.
So maybe people in states other than Utah and Kentucky keep their looks longer that 20?

Native Minnow said...

To be honest, I'd rather be alone than settle.

Anonymous said...

I don't blame you at all. It's like once you are married, that's it. Why settle? I don't think anyone should settle. Ever. Unless they are Anna Nicole and he's really rich and really old.

deputymomof6 said...

It didn't help Anna Nicole, she still doesn't have his money.. NOT worth it. Don't settle. Lucky for me, my husband did, but it isn't a good practice. It's like ordering food you are hungry for... if you are craving a cheeseburger and they are out of them, why would you settle for eating the chicken nuggets? It doesn't give you the same satisfaction.