Thursday, May 10, 2007

This happens all the time, it's detachable

I was watching the playoffs the other night with a friend, and another couple of friends decided they'd come join us. They rode together, yet one of them walked in alone. We asked him why the other one didn't come.

Friend 1: She'll be here shortly. She had to run next door to buy some mascara.

When she came in, my other friend asked her if she'd found it ok. She had, and she pulled it out of her purse to show us.

Friend 2: Let me see. Look [Minnow], it says right here it lengthens lashes. You should try putting some on your penis.

Me: I'll be right back. I need to go next door to make a purchase.

Her: Do you need it?

Me: Well, there's one way you can find out.

Her: Let's go.

Alas, she was only joking.


Anonymous said...

I love playoffs.

AnoMALIE said...

That was a crazy game yesterday! Even I was cheering for the Jazz.

Anonymous said...

The Jazz are really starting to piss me and my small dick off.

Anonymous said...

Go JaZZ!!! PI