Sunday, June 10, 2007

Lazyhead wants to rest

Friday night when I was hanging out with some people from work a few of them ordered food. I was going to eat with one of my friends as soon as he finished his drink, so even though I was hungry, I didn't want to order anything. Instead, I took a few of my friend's fries to tide me over. A few minutes later, another friend, who happened to be sitting right next to me, got some food.

Me: Good. French fries that are actually close to me.
Friend 1: You could have had more of mine.
Me: I know, but in order to do that I'd have to stand up and reach clear across the table.
Friend 1: Was that too much effort to put forth?
Me: Yes.

And you all thought I was only lazy when it comes to microwaving things. I won't even get into the fact that I'd have also needed to dip the thing in catsup once I did all that standing and reaching. Just the thought of that is wearing me out.

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