Thursday, October 18, 2007

She drags his body to the edge of the swollen river wrapped in a red velvet curtain stolen from the movie theater where she works

As you well know, Halloween is just around the corner, and anybody who has ever seen a horror movie knows that this is the time of year when friends and loved ones become possessed by evil spirits and become homicidal. When this happens, you will have no other choice but to kill your friends and/or loved ones who become possessed. Of course, we live in a time when the police generally don't buy the excuse that you had to commit murder because the victim was possessed (after all, this is 2007, and that excuse is sooo 1692), so, you're going to have to dispose of the body yourself in order to avoid a life in prison.

You could try dumping the body by the roadside, but really that's the lazy man's way of disposal. Plus, it's very likely that the body will be found within a very short period of time. Once the body's been found, the police are going to start investigating things and will eventually find their way back to you. Especially since it's real easy for someone to see you push the body out of your car. You really should be more careful.

You'd probably be better off weighting the body down and throwing it into the deepest body of water within driving distance. On second thought, that didn't seem to work out so well for Scott Peterson, so maybe you should try other options.

You could always place the body in your bathtub and then fill the tub with acid. The only problem with this is that it's going to take a while for everything to dissolve. You most certainly couldn't have anyone over to the house for a while. This is obviously a bad move if you don't live alone, or if you only have one bathroom. If you go that long without bathing yourself then people are going to talk. They may even send a plumber to your house if you get smelling too bad, so you really ought to think this out more.

Burning the body in your back yard is probably not going to be a good choice because surely the putrid stench of burning flesh and hair is going to give the neighbors cause for concern. They may even call the fire department, and the last thing you want is a bunch of nosy firemen snooping around.

A good way to dispose of the body is to feed it to the hogs. Of course, in order to do this, you have to own some hogs. This in and of itself would give people reason to suspect you of foul play. Also, hogs can't digest teeth or human hair, so you'd need to either get rid of those before, or sift through the pig shit so that nobody else finds them. Last I checked, the police could still use dental records and/or DNA to ID the victim.

Alternatively, you could bury the body in your basement. That would most certainly cut down on the risk of being seen by someone and getting turned in. However, that bag of lyme you bought at the hardware store will only help with the smell of decomposition so much. Not only that, but you can also never, ever sell your house, because if you do, sure enough the new owners will start poking around when they notice the dirt floor in the basement, and then the police will be knocking on the door of your new house.

Yup, if you find it necessary to bury the body, you're better off burying it somewhere in the forest (or desert - whichever is most convenient). This way you can still sell the house if you ever get the urge to move (which you probably will because you'll be haunted by the ghost of your recently deceased friend or loved one). Of course, you'll need to make sure that you dig a deep enough grave that wild animals won't dig it up. Unless you own some heavy farm equipment, that's going to be a lot of manual labor. I'll leave that one up to you. After all, it's your back.

On second thought, maybe you should just call a priest to come and perform an exorcism.


soapbox girl said...

Ok- I'd say you've watched one too many horror films, my friend. This Halloween Landmark Theatres is showing "The Rocky Horror Picture Show" where I live. Last year we saw "The Exorcist" which was kind of fun to see on the big screen.

Michael Nannini said...

Ok that makes two crimes that you better hope are not commited while you are still around.

Keira said...

the more i read your blogs, the more i think you've lived in vegas way too long...:o)

AnoMALIE said...

Or... you could just do it the Latin American way and eat your deceased loved one/friend.
Although in the two cases I've heard about, both people got caught:

There was that one Mexican horror-book/poem writer who got caught the other day eating his ex-girlfriend's (I guess she turned into his ex once he killed her) cooked flesh with a little bit of lemon.

And there was that one Brazilian lady who killed her cheating husband, deep-fried his well-cut up body, ate a little, and saved the rest in her freezer.

But then again, for the two people who have gotten caught, there may be a couple who haven't... plus... cannibalism isn't a crime in Mexico. I found that out the other day on the news.

Native Minnow said...

Soap Box Girl, you're probably right, but I honestly don't watch that many. I think the last one was The Descent. And that didn't have anybody that was possessed.

AC, I guess that means I have to come after you if I ever commit one of those crimes ;-)

Keira, you're right, but I didn't even know you were reading my blogs, so welcome!

Anomalie, I've heard that human flesh smells quite delicious when it's cooking . . . until you realize what it is. Someone I know who has smelled it told me this. Don't worry, it was in a war zone, not a BBQ at Hannibal Lecter's house.

Jenny said...

If there's one thing I've learned from watchng wayyyy too much C.S.I. (Vegas only, btw)

They ALWAYS figure out who dumped the body.

Anonymous said...

Whatever you do, you must make sure the body is NEVER found... :) and never tell ANYONE...