Friday, December 14, 2007

It's so fun to relate

Girl: I've been getting up at 2 a.m. lately. I've been trying to finish all my final projects. I got them all done, but it probably took a few years off my life.
Me: Yeah. I think I see a gray hair.
Girl: Really!? Don't say that.
Me (pointing at my scalp): No, I'm kidding. The only gray hair in this room is right here.
Girl: But yours looks good. It just looks like highlights.
Me: No. Mine looks like Bill Clinton hair.
Girl: Does it bother you when people say that you look like him?
Me: Not really.
Girl: At least Clinton was a ladies' man, so you should take it as a compliment.
Me: True. Plus it could be a lot worse. I'd be really upset if people told me I looked like George W. Bush.
Me: Or Dick Cheney.
Me: Or Hillary Clinton.


Karen said...

Bill Clinton is a sleaze bag but as much as I hate to say it, he is a nice looking man for his age. He has that distinguished look going on....definitely preferable to looking like George Dubya....LOL.

Unknown said...

I always thought "I'd tap that" when I saw Bill for the first time. It could defintly be worse, think Bill Mayhr.

RYC: I know I was so elated that I got to use it. I'm thinking Peppers size 1 wife is about as much fun as a bikini wax.

Anonymous said...

:) You're funny...I'd tap Bill Clinton, but I'll settle for a look alike... ;)


mindy said...

Huh. I never knew that people tell you that you look like Bill. I guess I can maybe see it, if I squint my eyes. I just can't look past Bill's nose. And your nose is much better-- not so red and bulbous.