Wednesday, January 16, 2008

It's so cold in this house, open mouth swallowing us

As I mentioned before, I'm house-sitting this week. My friends told me to use anything I needed while I was here. My head nearly exploded when I found a huge bag of candy.

So I sent a text message:

Me: Uh oh. I just saw that candy stash. I don't know if I have enough self control for there to be any left when you get home.

Him: Dig in. [Wife]'s butt will be grateful.

Her: Thanks for saving my ass. I don't need to be eating it, but I can't bring myself to throw it out. Could you throw that much candy away?

Me: There's no way I could do that!

Her: I know! So eat it. That way I know it's not being wasted.

I don't need to be eating it either. Especially since I weigh more than I ever have before, but I'm not going to let that stop me.


2 Dollar Productions said...

That's easily one of the better aspects of house-sitting. The other being finding the porn stash.

Manuel said...

or the dead body stash.......

Karen said...

or the blow up doll stash.....

BlazngScarlet said...

or the bondage equipment ....

Manuel said...

or the posts you wished you'd written but never did...

Manuel said...

oh and Peter Sarstedt, the lyrics are tremendous....I remember my mum singing that tune......sweet...

Native Minnow said...

$2, good point

Manuel, scary (about the bodies), and glad you like the Peter Sarstedt tune. I'm wondering if adding the music player was such a good idea, but I'll continue to do it as long as people are putting it to use. You probably won't like everything I play, but you might find some new stuff to enjoy.

Gypsy, perhaps even more scary

Blaze, I may have to poke around a bit more when I get 'home' tonight

mindy said...

I love the label "FATTY FAT FATTY." Around here we say, "Fatty fatty boomba latty." Feel free to add that to your repertoire.