Wednesday, April 16, 2008

And I can't relax with my knees on the ground and a stick in my back, Sister Jack

I'm not Catholic, so I don't completely understand the idea of Patron Saints. I do, however, realize there are a lot of them, I just didn't realize that there was one for just about anything. I was shopping for Jesus pencil toppers* last week at a souvenir shop on the Strip and found a bunch in the section with all the religious paraphernalia. These two were my favorites:

*One of the reactions I perform on a regular basis in the laboratory involves making multiple copies of a segment of DNA. Anyone who performs these reactions on a regular basis will tell you it's pretty much voodoo. Hence, I have little statues that I put atop the machine when I'm running mine for use as good luck charms. Who better to have as a good luck charm than Jesus Christ? I mean, my friend has a golden statue of Buddha that seems to work quite well, but I needed something for my problematic DNA samples, and I can't use someone else's good luck charm. Doing so would be more likely to bring a curse upon my research than it would be to cause the reactions to work.


Amber said...

This reminds me of the librarian action figure and the jesus action figure that they have in Hastings, I soooo want the librarian action figure.

2 Dollar Productions said...

The Bacon Saint would be at the top my list as he's got a pretty damn good gig, although I'm not Catholic either so my knowledge is fairly limited.

Anonymous said...

We use voodoo dolls in our lab. But I think we need to change ours cuz my cytb luck is gone for good, it seems. But my 12S luck is doin' alright, so I just don't know anymore....

Manuel said...

I was born and brought up catholic but I have no idea either......

Native Minnow said...

Wouldn't you know it? The new PCR god worked. Praise Jesus!

Karen said...

Only in Vegas I suspect.

Dee Ice Hole said...

I am happy your PCR worked and that you are now a little closer to finishing.

Nene said...

Bless your bacon? Who knew?

Bill From Gainesville said...

I have always found eating bacon to be a very out of body experience, A spiritual undertaking as it were, and now I realize why I felt that way, Its not because of the bacony taste, the meat with just the right amount of fat fried in, No its because JESUS loves us.... Who knew, but really, even as an Agnostic, when I eat Bacon I do think there is a higher power that brings me all this bacony goodness.

silentkid said...

Could you please purchase the "Bless Your Meat" saint for me and mail it to me. Thanks.

deputymomof6 said...

Who has meat that could not stand to be blessed? I am surprised that you didn't buy that one and take it home with you.... to hang over your bed.