Friday, August 15, 2008

In the future, cloners won't make much money

Once again, I give you an example of why it's good to be the guy writing the tests rather than the person who's taking it. Here is the last question on my final exam.

Which of the following is not a practical use of gene technology? (Yet!)

a) Gene therapy
b) Forensics
c) Diagnosis of disease
d) Environmental clean up
e) Formation of a clone army so that [Native Minnow] can someday rule the world.


Jenny said...

important word... "yet".

You're a dork and you know it.

steph said...

i love it. i wish i could write those things...but know that i am back teaching 5th and 6th grade i have to bring it down a notch!

Karen said...

Tell me Minnow...does anyone ever pass your exams?