Saturday, June 02, 2007

And so it is, just like you said it would be, life goes easy on me most of the time

Last night I played shuffleboard for the first time in my life. It wasn't the version where we stood on the deck of a cruise ship as there's an overall lack of cruise ships here in town, but a smaller version that can fit along the edge of a wall in a pub. I don't know if I can say I've truly lived until last night. Ok, that might be taking it a bit far, but it was fun.

This is the first time I've hung out with the people I was playing with since the big horseshoe tournament a few weeks ago. I told one of them that we should get together and play horseshoes again too. She said that she knew of a park that had horseshoe pits, so we could have a picnic and play soon. I told her that it sounded like a good idea and to make it happen. I know, I know. Horseshoes? Shuffleboard? You're probably wondering when the incontinence is going to set in.

It just did.

Alzheimer's too.

Now what was I talking about again? Oh yes, Bocce Ball. I was introduced to the game by a friend of mine while I was working on my master's degree. He was working on his Ph D then, and like all good graduate students, we spent an inordinate amount of time doing things completely unrelated to our work, like seeing who could play Sherlock and hold the record for solving a puzzle in the least amount of time (that would be me). But I digress. When a nice spring day would roll around it was pretty much mandatory that we go outside and strike up a game of Bocce Ball. It's been years since I've played that game too, but someone was talking about it the other day.

Him: You know another fun game you should try is Bocce.
Me: I love that game! I need to get a set of balls so I can play again.
Him: I don't think you can buy them, you pretty much have to be born with them.
Me: Well, I used to have some, but my ex-wife kept them when we split up.
Him: Wait. Did you just say that your ex-wife took your balls?
Me: Indeed I did.

I think he and I were talking about two completely different things.


Anonymous said...

We both know who had the lowest time in Sherlock (hint: it wasn't you). My most memorable moment about bocce is the time we were out playing close to my defense and Crandall walked up the hill. Not good, when the committee member who hates you sees you playing games instead of preparing for your defense.


Native Minnow said...

I beg to differ. Am I going to have to challenge you to a Sherlock-Off?

steph said...

maybe you missed your calling as a recreation director?

and are you italian? because only those of us with the genes can play bocce!

Native Minnow said...

Nope, not Italian, but the guy who introduced me to the game comes from such stock. He and I still need to pay a visit to his motherland, mostly so that I can be propositioned by beautiful Italian women.

Anonymous said...

Minnow, I just posted a link on my blog to yours with a short one line bio about you. Check it out and tell me if it is accurate (ha ha). Here is the link.

Anonymous said...

...or did she?
(take your balls)

Anonymous said...

You were never in Mr. Joseph's 6th grade class, because we had a shuffleboard tournament...Psychointern