Wednesday, February 27, 2008

If you think that a kiss is on the lips come on you've got it all wrong man

Last night I went to a basketball game. On the way over, my friend and I saw another friend of ours who was also going to the game. While we were sitting in the student section, our other friend had box seats. He mentioned that the girl who had hooked him up with the tickets had some really attractive friends that might also be in attendance.

Near the end of the first half, I received a text message from the guy with box seats. The following text message conversation ensued:

Him: Reminds me of when we used to play basketball :(

Me: Any hot chicks up there in the booth with you?

Him: Mostly sausage

Me: Eat up

Him: Mmmmmmm. . .

Me: Make sure to close your eyelids before getting shot in the face so as to avoid eye irritation

Him: Thanks! You know from experience?

Me: From you alright. I learned from watching you!

Him: Nice! I love that commercial! My dad was too busy watching tv to teach me to smoke pot.

Me: Parents who suck cock have kids who suck cock

Him: I don't know what to say to that.

Me: Well, what can you say when your mouth's full of cock?

Him: Ok. You win!


adventures of a mad scientist said...

God, you're terrible...but I will admit that you just had an epic conversation.

Also, nice new song up.

Anonymous said...

Ummm....did you learn from him when he was sucking yours???

Karen said...

I have no idea what that was all about but it sounds like you're feeling better so I'll take it.

Jenny said...

Dude, you need to get laid.

Anonymous said...

and by a guy, it sounds like.

Anonymous said...

Jesus Christ Minnow. You are getter gayer by the day! Which is fine. I like to read about cock.

silentkid said...

Rock 'n Roll
Cock 'n Balls