Saturday, December 27, 2008

Coat check I couldn't remember

Girl: Is that a new coat?

Me: It is.

Girl: I like it.

Me: Thanks. I didn't wear it for about a week after I bought it because I wasn't sure if I was going to keep it.

Girl: Really?

Me: Yeah. I showed it to five or six people before I took the tags off because I was afraid it might be too douchebaggy.

Girl: It's not. It's just the right level of douchebagginess for you.

Me: Um. Thanks?


deputymomof6 said...

Good to know that there are different levels of douchbagginess.

Anonymous said...

Wow, way to be judgmental of the poor jacket. YOU might be a little too douchebaggy for that jacket - did you ever think of it that way???

Manuel said...

it's good to find your level of doucheness....

mindy said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Oh that is awesome. Thanks for the late night laugh! Now I can get off the internet and go be productive for a little while. I'm going to be laughing all night. (What? Yes, I'm easily entertained.)

Anonymous said...

Doufus...douchbag...they are all just different words for the same condition.